Falls & Balance Treatment in Fenton, Michigan
Often, balance is treated by physical therapists by having patients perform weird tasks that do not correlate to daily life such as holding a tandem stance position, standing on a foam pad, or standing in silence with eyes closed. These are poor attempts at treating a dynamic problem with a static solution. High quality evidence now exists that building strong, fast muscles to quickly react to a loss of balance are important, but also that intentionally practicing “dual task” training can significantly reduce your risk of falling (Brustio et al., 2018, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics). In addition, practicing & learning how to properly fall (and get up from the floor!) is incredibly important in being able to get on & off the floor for daily tasks, but also to recover from a fall if one happens, which is likely, because half of all people fall every year, regardless of age.
Have you had a recent fall?