Hip Pain Treatment in Fenton, Michigan

Hip pain can be a real pain in the butt, literally. Whether you’ve been told you need physical therapy for tendonitis, bursitis, osteoarthritis, or any other type of “itis”, we’ve got you covered! Understanding the cause of your hip pain is our first step in getting you on the right track to obliterate your symptoms and get you back in action. Hip pain can present as intra-articular (inside the joint) or extra-articular (in the muscles of the hip). Like the shoulder, the hip is a busy area with 19 major muscles attaching to the medial (inside), lateral (outside), front (anterior) or back (posterior) of the joint.
Hip Pain
Our first job in solving your hip pain is ensuring that it is not actually being referred from your low back, and then getting to work on figuring out if your pain is intra-articular or extra-articular. Treatments will take a different path depending on what we find as the cause of your symptoms. For intra-articular pain, our initial focus will be on improving the motion of your hip so that you’re able to better tolerate daily activities & begin to reduce the resting level of inflammation in your hip; “motion is lotion” in action! For extra-articular pain, our focus will be on beginning a progressive loading program to strengthen the muscles & tendons of your hip to ensure that your symptoms improve and your risk of future re-injury is reduced.

Additional treatments to reduce hip pain include:

Traction to the hip to reduce inflammation & symptoms
Myofascial decompression (cupping)
Dry needling to the muscles of the hip
Soft tissue mobilization
Hip Pain

In addition, as with all of our plans of care, we’re dedicated to not just helping you reduce your pain, but improving your overall quality of life by also addressing lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, and stress. By combining hands-on treatment with exercise and lifestyle modification, our goal is for you to leave physical therapy not only feeling better, but as a stronger, healthier person overall.

Do you want to learn more or get started with treatment?


Give us a call, text, or email today!